National Day of Action Against Bullying

This National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence was by far the best one we have had at St Mary’s last Friday. We had a special visit from our bucket filling super heroes and had lots of super awesome activities. These activities included making our own superheros, watching an imovie, created by our Pastoral Care Captains, about stopping bullying and Years 4-6 joining in on a webinar.
On Monday some students from Mater Maria came to our school and years 3-6 fortunately got to watch a play they performed for us about anti-bullying. Everyone enjoyed it and was deeply engaged. After lunch our bucket filling heroes came to visit us again for our super hero ceremony. They invited representatives from each class to come up with their classes’ superheroes and line them up on the stage. This was to show that we can all stand together to stop bullying. We had a great time, we hope that everyone did too and also learnt a deeper understanding that bullying is not allowed.
By, Jayla, Holly, Jazzy, Hazel and Abby.