Student Wellbeing

Be You

Be You

The KidsMatter framework was officially launched at St Mary’s on November 1st 2013. Since then we have successfully implemented all the phases.

We maintain our commitment to this framework through ongoing staff professional development and input, our annual KidsMatter day – where we celebrate, as a whole school,  the wonderful attributes of positivity, inclusivity and mindfulness.

Recently the National Mental Health initiative, introduced the Be You framework which amalgamated all child and adolescent well being organisations under the one umbrella. These programs include KidsMatter, Beyond Blue, Headspace, Mindspace, etc. Our school is a member of the Be You initiative and enjoys the benefits of a cross national wellbeing initiative.

Bucket Fillers

We use the common language of being a Bucket Filler – providing the students with a practical way of enhancing the well being of themselves and others.

Some bucket filling vocabulary you might hear:

  • Bucket Filler – someone who displaying positive behaviors and consideration to others (acting out our school values)
  • Bucket Dipper – someone who is NOT displaying positive behaviors and consideration to others (acting out our school values)
  • “Putting your lid on” – skills to protect yourself from being adversely affected by “bucket dippers”